The TDCC Fireside Chat Series
Following on from the success of the 2020 Biobanking Showcase meet-ups, the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre (TDCC) is holding a new series of informal online chats. The aim is to provide the opportunity to meet and discuss topics with fellow biobankers. Each session will have a theme and "special guest" but these sessions are not formal presentations with a slide deck. These sessions are a chance to understand another expert's specialism or expertise and to ask questions. They are intended to provide a forum for biobankers to meet each other and exchange tips. Scheduled for every other month with a break for the summer, we will update this page when new topics are confirmed. Please register using the links below and get in touch if you'd like to volunteer to host a session.
Upcoming Sessions
Jan 2022 - Managing access requests to your data and sample holdings
Dr Varsha Khodiyar, Data and Connectivity Project Manager for Data Access at Health Data Research UK, will introduce us to the Innovation Gateway’s data access management module and how this uses the ONS Five Safes framework. She will also discuss the features and functionality that HDR UK is building into the Gateway to simplify the process of managing access requests, for both applicants and custodians.
21st Jan, 12pm (1 hr)
Previous Sessions
Feb 2021 - Supplying fresh tissue at CBTM
This session we meet Dr Krishnaa T. Mahbubani from the Cambridge Biorepository for Translational Medicine. Find out about how they procure fresh tissue samples from transplant donors.
25th February. 12pm (50mins).
April 2021 - Coordinating COVID-19 samples
Dr Sarah McDonald from the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) was responsible for establishing the ISARIC 4C Scottish biorepository; coordinating, cataloguing, and storing over 9000 COVID-19 samples since the beginning of the outbreak. Find out about some of the lessons they learned along the way.
29th April. 12pm (50mins)
June 2021 - The Future of Biobanking coordination
UKCRC Co-Director Jessica Sims will talk us through plans for the future of Biobanking Coordination, with plenty of time for your feedback!
24th June, 12pm (50mins)

Sept 2021 - Biobanking for a longitudinal cohort
Dr. Sue Ring, Head of Laboratories and Executive Director of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) at the University of Bristol, will tell us about banking ALSPAC's samples.
16th Sept, 12pm (50mins)
Nov 2021 - Negative environmental impacts of biobanking
Dr Gabrielle Samuel is a Wellcome Research Fellow at the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King's College London. Her research explores ethical and social issues related to the negative environmental impacts of digital health research practices. Gabby will talk about why she feels the biobanking sector should consider environmental sustainability, and what this might look like in practice.
18th Nov, 12pm (50mins)