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GiveMySample is a free web resource for biobanks and medical researchers to share with their potential tissue donors, to assist in consent decisions.
What is ‘GiveMySample’? is a website designed for potential tissue donors.
It provides information about donation and a short animation discusses different tissue samples and their use in medical research.
Key ethical issues such as DNA analysis, sample export and the use of animals in research are also explored.

Who is this resource for?
Biobank staff and medical researchers can use this website to provide additional, accessible information to patients or potential donors.
Who was involved in creating the idea?
Emeritus Professor Andy Hall, former Associate Dean of Bioresources at Newcastle University, conceived the idea after over 30 years of research involving access to tissue samples. The website was developed with colleagues at Newcastle University (Mhairi Anderson, Zoe Davison, Lulu Cvetkovic and Andrea Henderson). Feedback from the National Cancer Research Institute consumer forum was also incorporated into the site. Financial support from the MRC/EPSRC Newcastle Molecular Pathology Node made the website development possible.
Why is this needed?
In the era of P4 medicine (predicative, preventative, personalised and participatory) the importance of undertaking medical research with rather than on patients has been fully recognised. This includes providing good quality information to potential participants, so that they can make appropriately informed decisions regarding consent.
What are the next steps for the project?
Further feedback from potential donors will be sought in early 2020 at a focus group at the Newcastle Cancer Centre. Following this, case studies and a news feed are planned to be added to the website. The case studies will demonstrate the value of tissue samples in medical research. The news feed will highlight developments in public involvement in tissue based research. In addition, a research group in the US are interested in utilising the website for an international audience.
If you have feedback on the site or any suggestions for case studies these would be gratefully received. Please submit these via the home page.